18 Jun

Contracts often have the option to include dual agency, so if the box is checked off then you should understand what that means:

Dual agency means the same REALTOR® will represent both the buyer and the seller. In other words, if a homeowner lists their property with an agent and that agent happens to find a buyer (who is not already working with an agent) that wants to purchase a home, then this is an opportunity for a dual agency. Legally, in order for a dual agency to take place then both the buyer and the seller need to agree to this. This will either have been included in the initial contract with your REALTOR®, or a separate form would be filled out and signed. Your REALTOR® has a fiduciary responsibility to protect you and your information. In order to stay neutral, this would eliminate any and all negotiating power. A dual agency is only recommended if both parties understand that you cannot negotiate for them, and you are simply  and transferring the offer and responses.

Why is dual agency appealing? Because coordinating meetings, closings, and times is easier and therefore the process can be quicker. Agents who partake in a dual agency will often offer a discount to the seller. 

Unless both parties are in agreement that negotiations are not needed and mutually agreed upon, then a referral to another trusted agent would be a great way to continue the transaction. 

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